Sabtu, 10 Februari 2018

Do You Believe in Zodiac Signs?

Some people find the zodiac signs as their world, people will just used it just to see what's their future hold. Often they lean on various sources to give them insight to what will happen next, to some it is just a guidance, and for others, it is just for fun and entertainment purposes. For me, it is just quite for fun, on some point, I didn't even find it truthful, maybe in the sense that some of the zodiac signs are just meant for some people who happened to have the same sign as mine.

Zodiac Ilustrations

I am not acting that I'm contrary tot hose who believe on it but we know it is just for fun and not a fact. I have a friend who always go to the fortune teller, to see and check what's her life's ahead, and because she believed it, it was truthful to her. But to those who are not, then, it is not! Well, let's face the fact where and when did Zodiac signs started.

According to Wikipedia, Zodiac denotes an annual cycle of twelve stations along the ecliptic, the apparent path of the sun across the heavens through the constellations that divide the ecliptic into twelve equal zones of celestial longitude.

The ancient Greeks planned their lives around astrological influences. If the sun and planets were positioned in a certain way, the Greeks believed they could affect a person’s life and future events based on their location.

According to research from the University of NewHampshire in Durham, N.H., the Chaldeans were responsible for creating the twelve signs now known as the zodiac signs. They built large observation towers to watch and document planetary and astrological changes. As more planets were discovered, their characteristics were noted, and they were named after a mythical gods.

According to the myths of the Chaldeans, there were several heavens that were divided into twelve sections. These twelve sections were then named after the constellations in them. These twelve sections became what we call the signs of the zodiac.

The spread of astrological beliefs from this point continued. For example, some Chinese people became interested in the idea and began the practice. There is a belief that the Chinese were the first to realize how seasons were also influenced by the position of the sun. They began to plan more efficiently when it would be best to begin the crop cycles.

Today, the twelve signs still exist. Your sign depends on the day that you were born. Each sign has its own characteristics that are good or bad.

The signs are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.
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